Dr. Malek specializes in several popular procedures in the field. Dr. Malek utilizes his personal and artistic approach to deliver the right results of each patient. He and his team work on helping patients attain a more confident, comfortable, and proportionally balanced body.
We create an office environment that is completely focused on crafting fantastic, long-lasting results. Enjoying an improved figure does not have to come at the cost of comfort and convenience. Our team is committed to working around your schedule and ensure you are provided with a satisfying level of care.
Dr. Malek promotes a healthy lifestyle for his patients. Some of the treatments are only performed when the body is in excellent physical shape. There are some problems that cannot be remedied with a strict diet and exercise routine, this is where surgery is most needed. As an experienced surgeon who has worked with numerous patients, Dr. Malek will make sure the right treatment is being performed on your body.